Ultrasound of the Week - Testicular case

Clinical Indication

Testicular pain, inguinal pain, scrotal mass, etc. 

Probe Selection

Linear Probe

Additional Views and Measurements

  • Side-by-side view the both testes comparing the blood flow, aka Spectacle view

  • Views of the epididymis

  • Spectral doppler assessment of the veins and arteries

  • Measurements of the testes in long and short views


  • Drape the patient with blue towels or chux exposing only the scrotum for comfort. 

  • Start with the unaffected side first. 

  • Move posterolateral with the probe in the sagittal orientation to get the best view of the epididymis.

  • Normal testes are approximately 2-3cm in width and 3-5cm in length in adults.

  • The normal width of the epididymis at the head is 0.9-1.2mm.