5 Minute Sono Soft Tissue - Click to Learn More
5 Minute Sono MSK - Click to Learn More
Clinical Indication
Abscess, cellulitis, joint effusion (Arthrocentesis), suspected cyst
Probe Selection
Linear for soft tissue and MSK, Curvilinear for Abdomen and Thorax
Measure fluid collection if present, use transverse and longitudinal views to get a 3-dimensional measurement for total volume.
Use a surgical marking pen to indicate your needle insertion point based on your scan.
Use more gel and less pressure when scanning an abscess as these are very painful.
Consider water bath for painful/superficial structures
Can also use IV bag or glove filled US gel or water to create an acoustic stand-off pad
Will appear as thickened hyperechoic skin with echogenic subcutaneous tissue
Cobblestoning: Reticular hypoechoic edema traversing subcutaneous fat
Very sensitive, but not specific for cellulitis
Can look at lymph nodes to see if you have increased flow to clue into possible reactive edema
Sonographic fluctuance: gentle pressure will show movement of pus
pathognomonic for abscess
Pearl: use color flow before you cut to ensure that there is no vessels in close proximity or the structure of interest is not vascular
Special Considerations: Breast
Warrants referral for MRI, Mammogram, comprehensive US as this is a unique glandular structure. It may be beneficial to look with POCUS, but needs further evaluation
Cancerous lesions will appear complex, vascular, have calcifications
Necrotizing Fasciitis
Subcutaneous air: appears hyperechoic with dirty shadowing
STAFF exam for necrotizing fasciitis: subcutaneous air and free fluid
Foreign Bodies
Complications: Can migrate and cause delayed injury
POCUS has sensitivity near or better than that of combined radiography, PHx, and PE for soft tissue FBs
can detect radiolucent objects (organic matter such as wood), including surrounding structures
can be used to remove soft tissue FBs
Visualization and Findings: FB usually hyperechoic to soft tissue
NOTE: bone, scar tissue, and articular surfaces appear hyperechoic
Wood and plastic cause shadowing (posterior acoustic shadowing)
Metal causes reverberation/comet tail artifacts
Determine depth and size with measure function
Localization in GI Tract
There have been cases where pocus used in the ED to detect ingested FBs
Similar process to soft tissue
May see some reverberation artifact
Hip Ultrasound Notes
septic arthritis: spread IVDU, hematogenous, joint surgery, trauma risk factors: age, DM, immunocompromised, prosthetic joint, alcoholics, sepsis, previous injections, * GN will not have high cell count
pain +/- fever, limp, bacteria infection, S.aureus
DX: gold standard arthrocentesis fluoroscopy
Leukocyte count > 50,000 w/ neutrophil predominance, gram stain, culture, microscopic analysis
Adult POCUS technique
supine pt: with affected leg placed in β frog legβ positioning
curvilinear probe placed inferior to the inguinal ligament, lateral to the femoral vessels and angled 30-40 degrees toward umbilicus
scan and fan until you get your image
alternatively, can place the probe over the femur and trace it proximally until visualize the femur lost and then angle the probe marker to the longitudinally capture the femur, continuing the rotation until 30-45 towards the umbilicus and the femoral neck and head come into view.
>7 cc in adults is pathologic
Dxx peds limp: transient synovitis (3-8 years old mostly males, 45-85% effusions) septic arthritis, osteomyelitis, legg-calve, avascular necrosis, fx, muscle strain, juvenile RA, myositis
98% specific in dx hip effusions
too much pressure from probe can lead to a false negative. 0-1yr 1-2 cc
Peds >4 or >2 difference b/w the two sides.
want to measure at femoral neck
will appear convexed instead concave.
ID femoral vessels
prepare a sterile field with probe cover
anesthetize superficially and deep
affix and 18 G spinal needle to 20 cc syringe
advance under direct visualization into joint capsule
aspirate the appropriate amount of fluid and send analysis
use smaller syringe (5CC), keep in syringe and run to lab
Hip normal vs abnormal